May 24, 2024 by
Rasha Al Haj Hassan
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User can select type of investment from CRM ,every investment type automate the CRM stages, this opportunity is going to pass through

On every stage, will be a list of activities that will pass through different kinds of approvals in order to qualify a specific opportunity to the next stage.

Probability on CRM is automated  based on type of investments specified and the amount invested.

Each investment type has a pre-defined list of tasks. These tasks can be monitored by the manager, by either adding or removing these tasks which are directly reflected in the evaluation tab inside each opportunity.

The duration of investment specified in the opportunity will be directly reflected in the projects

The user can control the number of activities he needs to check before qualifying this task to the next stage.


The complete checkbox represents that all activities listed under a specific stage are done so that the opportunity is ready to move on to the next stage.

The two pictures above illustrate how different investment types impact the stages.

Potential Lead Portfolio

Each lead created for a specific contact will have a dedicated portfolio created in a separate application

This portfolio will gather all the tasks, activities and attachments that this lead passed through this will help us keeping history of each lead

SLA Policy

When a lead is won an SLA agreement is initiated embarking the success of the project

This SLA includes the total agreed between the two parties

Transitioning from the SLA to the project application, a dedicated project will be created alongside pre-defined tasks organized with a predefined template.

Project Management

The won SLA creates an associated project with stages identified based on the investment period we fill on the CRM level.

Each project created is identified with a list of tasks that needs to be done in a specific period

Each year will have a list of tasks, where the execution of each task will trigger the execution of the subsequent task.


One of the tasks identified in the project required the creation of a payment request which is handled by the accounting department.

This payment form can be executed either from its main page or from one of the tasks listed under each year.

All expenses are registered to a specific cost center that helps us track how much we spent on each project.

In addition each project has a preidentified budget that helps us identify how actual money was spent and if I exceeded the limit identified

These budget categories help organize registered expenses, allowing us to fully track all the money spent on any type of work.

Rasha Al Haj Hassan May 24, 2024
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