Do I Really Need A Website?

3 Reasons Why You Need A Website
September 21, 2020 by
Do I Really Need A Website?
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Do You Need A Website?

Many business owners small or big resist on building a website for their companies especially when social media stepped in allowing company owners to share their products online and reach out to the world, their usual answer on why not having a website is as follows: “I’m not tech-savvy”, “they’re too expensive”, “I don’t have the time”, or the infamous “I have enough business and I don’t need one”.

The reality is, you don’t need to be tech-savvy, getting a professional website for your business can be CHEAP and EASY.
To make it even simpler for you – not having a website is costing you time and money. We’ll get to the How later on in this Blog!
Check this out… 81% of people research a business or service on the internet prior to making a purchase decision. That’s 25.92 million people searching for businesses online. Yet, 46% of business owners listed “Business currently doesn’t need one” as their #1 reason for not having a website. We’re not statisticians, but we can see that there’s a glaring disconnect here.

Still unsure if your business needs a website? Keep reading…

Odoo - Sample 1 for three columns

1. Having a website will attract new customers to your business and make you more money.

Your website can be available 24/7/365 even when you’re not. A website acts as your “always-on” business advocate during and outside of office hours. Websites help you convert more of your existing referrals, because most people still do their own research and stack you against your competitors.

Odoo - Sample 2 for three columns

2. Add instant credibility to your business simply by having a website.

The 21st century consumer is a skeptic; in fact, 56% of people stated that they won’t trust a business without a website. Having a good website instantly boosts your credibility as a legitimate business. First impressions count, and websites allow you to make a very strong impression with a well-designed introduction for your business. A website can help showcase your expertise and better position your business. A website can be your number one tool for standing out in a crowd.

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3. It’s not as Hard, or as Expensive, as you think!

Now check This out!
You don’t need to be a tech savvy nor a developer nor hiring a team to make that possible for you! It’s too Easy & way cheaper than you expect.
That's why we teamed up with Odoo Try it, It’s for FREE!

With Odoo the sky is the limit, a full suite of needed software to run your company efficiently.

Odoo • Text and Image
Odoo • Image and Text

All of these modules are available for you at your fingertip with a SUPER EASY walkthrough! Including on how to build a Website in minutes, yes… I did say Minutes!! No codes no nothing! A simple click and Voila! You have a Website.

Fill in the information needed and as easy as it gets, your website is created, all you need to do now is to select themes and fonts that fit best with your company!

Odoo • Text and Image
Odoo • Image and Text

Search or browse the appropriate theme there are millions of it!

And Voila!

Your website is ready to welcome millions of clients looking for the product that you’re selling.
Odoo made life easier, turn your years of work to month, month to days, days to hours, and hours to minutes. A free 15-day trial is available, and many other tools that your business needs and it’s right there at your fingertip, easy, cost-efficient, and most importantly profitable!
Contact us Now!

Odoo • A picture with a caption

Do I Really Need A Website?
noel September 21, 2020
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