Odoo 15 ERP To Manage Your Manufacturing Business

June 21, 2022 by
Odoo, Moe Fawaz
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Odoo 15 ERP to Manage Your Manufacturing Business

Planning and controlling your operations on a regular track in a manufacturing organization are two sides of the same coin. Each work performed in a manufacturing business, such as production operations, labor management, machine control, and other activities, will be chaotic if the manufacturing business is not monitored or controlled in a coordinated manner. As a result, we must be inquisitive about using the ideal ERP program for overall manufacturing business monitoring. The Odoo 15 is a dynamic and adaptable solution for managing your manufacturing company.

The Odoo V-15 improves manufacturing processes, encourages industrial automation, and allows you to manage and strategize your operations from a single platform. In a manufacturing environment, all work is completed in accordance with the company's production order. The firm, according to it, follows up on the job order, manufacturing, and other activities. The Odoo ERP solution may be used to efficiently do these tasks. As we all know, establishing an effective ERP improves the operations in a manufacturing unit while also lowering the cost. It causes you to make a minor financial adjustment. In a manufacturing firm, Odoo also forces you to steer your business by a chosen timeline and prioritize processes.

However, the manufacturing industry involves a number of time-consuming operations that cannot be rectified manually. In this case, the ideal approach is to deploy a superior ERP tool, such as Odoo V-15. The Manufacturing module in Odoo 15 may focus on the manufacture company by managing different activities such as arranging manufacturing orders, processing work orders and work centers, and maintaining repair and maintenance of work orders.

Odoo 15 also allows for the scheduling and planning of manufacturing orders. Furthermore, when production is taking place, the Odoo ERP is keeping track of machine maintenance and repair. To correctly manage devices, the manufacturing module in Odoo -15 is connected with the maintenance module. With Odoo 15, it also reports and identifies the status of different types of machinery. Manufacturing procedures are typically carried out not just in a single location, but also in several locations. Manually managing all operations and planning may be tough, resulting in disruptions and numerous mistakes. As a result, Odoo can eliminate any mistakes and provide precise computations and reports in each work center.

This blog explains how to plan and manage your manufacturing firm with Odoo-V-15, as well as how to manage the work centers.

Production may be managed in Odoo 15 by creating a manufacturing order in the manufacturing module. Move the Manufacturing module>Operations>Manufacturing orders to explore how production is controlled

The screenshot above depicts the manufacturing company's multiple work orders. By just clicking on the work order you wish to check, you can enhance and check it. In the screenshot below, it is illustrated and defined.

You will be able to redirect to various sections such as Components, Work Orders, By-products, and Miscellaneous, as shown in the above screenshot. The product name and quantity used, serial number, bill of material, scheduled date and time, manufacturing responsible person, and firm name can all be found in the production orders.

Now, access the work orders sub-tab in the manufacturing orders to check what's going on.

You may find the information of two work centers' activities under the work orders tab, including the scheduled start date, expected length, real duration, and work order status. The user can improve the procedure by pressing the Start button.

If the production is complete, you can click the Start button and pause it when it is complete, and the quality check is then upgraded with the product, as seen in the above screenshot. You can finish by pressing the Done button. If the user needs to halt production, they should click the Block button, which will open a pop-up window. The status of the Work Order is changed to In Progress by pressing the Start button, as shown in the screenshot above.

You can specify a Loss Reason and a Description for the Block Workcenter, as shown in the screenshot. As a result, the Block button, which halts manufacturing, is improved.

When the production is marked with the Block button, another option called Unblock is presented. You can either mention the reason and resume the activity, or you can halt the manufacturing because the material is finished or for any other specific reason. It can be given in the pop-up window that appears when you click the block button.

Because the product is scrap, the user can improve by pressing the Scrap button while also hitting the Block button.

The user is redirected to a pop-up window when they click the Scrap button, as shown in the screenshot below.

You can click the Done button in the pop-up box after entering the required information.

The highlighted icon, as seen in the screenshot, certifies the manufacturing process and provides a clear picture of the completed production. You can confirm the production process by clicking on the icon.

Let's have a look at what we get when we click on the icon.

You can see how the production is done in this screenshot, as well as where they have been processed. You may improve with three lines by clicking on the left-hand side of the screen, and by clicking on it, you will be able to receive a screen where you can click on the chosen product procedure, as seen in the screenshot below.

The user can unblock the production by clicking the Unblock button or scrap the production by clicking the Scrap button in the accompanying screenshot. Or, to commence the process by adding a component, the user can add a component by clicking on the tab entitled Add Component. Alternatively, they should add a byproduct by selecting the Add By-Product button. They can also use the Maintenance request button if any maintenance is required. They can then use the Quality Alert option once the process is complete.

In Odoo 15, the user may also organize the actions that take place in the manufacturing company during this process.

As seen in the screenshot above, planning is scheduled in Odoo 15, and it can be displayed where planning is done in production and planning is done in the work center, as well as how the Master Production Schedule (MPS) and Run Schedule are controlled in Odoo 15.

By selecting Planning by Production from the above screenshot, you may plan the production of work orders in a calendar view. You can plan the work orders that are completed during the production process here.

You can plan the work centers and what they have by looking at the snapshot. You can also distribute work to each center based on the materials they require.

As can be seen in the accompanying screenshot, the Master Production Schedule includes extensive preparation for each month's representation.

Conclusion: Odoo 15 ERP To Manage Your Manufacturing Business

This brings the blog to a close, and the user may now properly plan and manage the production process while also running a successful business. The manufacturing module of Odoo 15 makes it easier to run your business and saves you time.

The Odoo Manufacturing ERP platform enables users to handle manufacturing complexities, handle material bills, plan manufacturing orders, monitor job orders, and much more.

The above list of techniques can be used for industry-specific ERP tools, as it provides you with successful Manufacturing precision for your business. At ERPCloud LLC, we provide you with one of the most common open source ERP applications, which includes modules such as manufacturing, sales, purchase, inventory, warehouse, MRP, and more.

If you're interested in learning more about Odoo and implementing it in your business, please contact us at sales@erpxcloud.com. Our dedicated team of Odoo experts is ready to customize and execute the best solutions for your business to ensure optimum success in terms of leads, sales, and revenue.

Visit our website at www.erpxcloud.com to get answers to your questions.

Odoo, Moe Fawaz June 21, 2022
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