Odoo 15 Field Service Module

February 17, 2022 by
Odoo 15 Field Service Module
Ismail Harake
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Odoo 15 Field Service Module

Odoo's Field Service module guarantees that all operations associated with a field service quotation are managed properly and efficiently. This module makes it simple to keep track of the services a company provides to its clients. After acquiring a product or service from a firm, the customer may require expert assistance in order to fully comprehend the product's or service's appropriate operation, as well as installation and maintenance tasks. In such instances, corporations frequently provide consumers field service options to assist them at their workstations. The Odoo Field Service module allows you to keep track of all field services your firm provides. 

This module will assist you in creating new field service tasks, assigning personnel to the task, recording timesheets for each employee, monitoring task progress, invoicing time and material to the concerned customer, and many other duties.

In this module's menu, you'll find several additional configuration options for improving the module's performance. For various field service jobs, you can use these tools to generate projects, stages, worksheet templates, goods, and tags. You can configure these options on the task while creating a new task in this module.

Without further ado, let's take a closer look at each of these alternatives. When you access the Field Service module, the Configuration menu is located in the main menu bar, as shown in the screenshot below.
The Configuration menu, as you can see, has Settings, Projects, Stages, Worksheet Templates, Products, and Tags.


Customers can choose from a variety of field services provided by a service provider. In the Field Service module, these field services can be saved as individual projects. You can assign different tasks to each project based on the activities involved in the field service operation. The Name, Default Worksheet, Company, Start Date, End Date, Project Manager, and Status of each project established in this module are displayed in the List view of the projects dashboard.

You can create a new project in a few simple steps by using the Create button. The processes for creating new projects are almost identical to those for the Project module.

The Name of the Project, Name of the Tasks, Customer, Tags, Project Manager, Planned Date, and Company can all be set in the new project creation window's respective fields. The Description tab can be used to provide additional details and instructions to the project's associates.

You can mention the Analytic Account in the new project's Settings tab to track the project's cost and revenue. Invited Employees, All Employees, or Invited Portal Users and All Employees are all options for project visibility. Timesheets, Billable, Products on Tasks, Planning, Recurring Tasks, Worksheets, Sub-tasks, and Task Dependencies are just a few of the features that can be enabled to ensure superior performance.

The Default Service option on the Invoicing page allows you to choose a service product with which you can bill your time spent on each activity in a project.

You can define the sales order to link the timesheet of each allocated employee using the Add a Line option. This line will also provide the hourly rate at which each employee's time will be billed for the project. After you've completed all of the required fields, click the Save button to save the new project. You can now start working on this project's tasks. It is possible to do so by mentioning the project name in the Project field when creating a new task using the module's task dashboard.


Odoo provides an additional platform for defining several phases in practically all modules for actions carried out in that module. Defining stages will make it easier for a user to comprehend how processes are progressing. Each activity will be organized separately according to the stage it has reached in the Kanban view. Using the Phases option from the Configuration menu in the Field Service module, you can easily assign stages to projects. You can move projects from one level to the next based on their development.

As demonstrated in the screenshot above, previously developed levels can be found in the Stages platform. Each stage's Name, Project, and Stage Owner are included in the list. Some of the columns in the Folded in Kanban field are ticked, as you can see. In the Kanban view, this implies that those steps are folded. The steps for creating a new stage are the same as for existing Odoo modules. You can access the new stage creation window by pressing the Create button.

In the corresponding field, provide the name you want to give the stage. Also, for this stage, build an Email Template so that Odoo may automatically send an email to the concerned customer informing them of the project's progress. When switching stages, it is possible to give the project a rating. When your project reaches this stage, you can use the Rating Email Template to send an email to the customer. If there are no projects to display on the stage, you can fold them in the Kanban view by selecting the Folded in Kanban option.

Templates for worksheets

Worksheet templates are useful for keeping track of the work of allocated personnel on a certain assignment or project. You can email these worksheet reports to the customer after you've completed the task to get their signature. You may access the Worksheet Templates platform by going to the Configuration menu of the module, as seen in the screenshot below.

The list view displays worksheet templates that have previously been configured, along with information such as their Name, Companies, Number of Worksheets Included, and Color. Let's take a look at the Field Service module's ability to create new worksheet templates.

In the provided fields, enter the Name, Companies, and a color for the template. You'll see the Design Template option when you save the new template, as shown in the screenshot below.

This button will assist you in creating a worksheet template that meets your needs.

You can add new fields to your template by dragging and dropping them from the panel on the left side of your screen to the template's main body. You can save your template when you've filled in all of the relevant fields. These templates can be assigned to a task in the Worksheet Template field at the time of the task's creation.

The smart button provided in the window of the particular job, as well as the worksheet template, show such customized worksheets of tasks.

The Analysis option will assist you in obtaining reports for the worksheets that have been configured under this specific worksheet template.

The name and count of worksheets created in the module will be shown in the report, which may be filtered using the custom filtering option.


To execute the assignment successfully, the allocated person may require several products and resources during field service. In the task box for each field service activity, you may keep track of the supplies and goods that were used.

You'll be able to receive a smart button called Products to keep track of the products that were used in a task. This document will also assist you in creating bills for the job. The Items menu can be found in the module's Configuration menu, and it contains a list of all products configured in Odoo.

You can use the Create button to add a new product to your system. You can use the same way of product configuration that we spoke about in earlier modules here.


Tags will always assist you in reducing the time and effort required for finding and sorting. You can add appropriate tags to a task in the Field Service module. In this module, you can search for certain tasks or projects using the configured tags. Creating tasks in Odoo is simple and straightforward, thanks to the Configuration menu.

Odoo 15 Field Service

As demonstrated in the screenshot above, all tags produced in the Field Service module can be seen in the Tags platform. A new line will appear at the top of the existing list of tags when you click the Create button. This line allows you to give the tag a name and choose a color for it.

We covered all of the Field Service module's configuration options in this blog. These parameters can be used to improve the user experience and performance.

Odoo 15 Field Service Module
Ismail Harake February 17, 2022
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