Odoo CRM Lead Enrichment

March 12, 2021 by
Odoo, Moe Fawaz
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Odoo CRM Lead Enrichment

Client or customer data is an unavoidable part of any business. The database must be kept up to date in order to operate a business. Customer relationship management, or CRM, is the practice of handling customer experiences, both past, and future, in order to maintain a positive relationship with them. Data processing, research, and timely communication are all part of the process. 

A strong CRM has the ability to make a significant difference in a company's sales. Any business that has a greater understanding of the industry and its target audience will be able to provide better service. This leads to higher customer satisfaction. Better sales come from a pleased and happy customer base, which translates to better financial results. A customer relationship management system (CRM) enables you to:

  • A centralized framework for connecting contacts through multiple networks.

  • Enhanced customer experience through efficient communication

  • More precise targeting of potential customers

  • Individualized marketing campaigns

  • Customer service coordination

Odoo CRM Lead Enrichment enables you to manage your customer and client pipeline with unrivaled performance. Not only in the maintenance and organization of data but also in the enrichment of customer contact information. Using the enrich choice in Odoo CRM, you can add the information of individuals and companies. CRM will help businesses understand more about their customers and better serve their needs, desires, and demands.

To draw more leads, we can still work on a catchy website, interesting campaigns, and out-of-the-box promotions. Leads are prospects that have the potential to become clients in the near future but are not in touch with the business. Leads are handled and rated based on their likelihood of becoming customers and generating revenue for the company.

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A potential client or lead is labeled in the CRM pipeline at various stages of the interaction with the company. New contacts can be classified based on their level of interest, the size of the organization, and the future transaction budget.

A lead generation is the outcome of strategic planning, and generating high-potential clients necessitates a dedicated effort from the sales and marketing departments. Is it, however, sufficient to generate leads? Holding the leads is a constant endeavor. It can be exhausting because it necessitates the maintenance of a real-time database. Not only is maintenance time-consuming, but updating and prioritizing is as well.

Our leads may come from a variety of sources, including website subscribers or visits, direct contacts, and so on. These contacts are handled and structured in a CRM pipeline for a fast overview and immediate action. The pipeline may be used by the manager or the individual who has access to the customer data to assess their status and take appropriate measures. A good CRM software often automates the process of contacting different leads at the appropriate times to develop customer relationships.

In the case of business-to-business relationships, the lead produced may only contain very basic details such as the company's email address. With so little information, moving the relationship forward can be difficult. When it comes to lead enrichment, this is where it comes in handy.

Odoo CRM's lead enrichment function is a standout feature because it allows you to create contacts based solely on the email address you have. This feature is particularly useful in circumstances where you haven't been able to gather enough information about an individual, such as during fairs and exhibitions.

Lead mining and lead enrichment are both used in the enrichment of the contact base. Partner autocomplete is also an option. In-app purchases are required for all of these features, and we must buy credits to use them.

Lead Mining

Basic criteria for lead mining can be established, such as size, country, and industry. Using these criteria, Odoo can help you generate leads from scratch. Lead mining aids in the expansion of your lead database and the identification of new prospects. This is a good way to expand your company's reach. From the CRM module's configurations, we can buy credits and enable lead mining. The feature's pricing can be found here.

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Once lead mining is enabled, we can create lead mining requests to get company information based on the filters we've set. However, we should keep in mind that this is only possible if we have purchased credit in the app.

After that, we can go to the CRM dashboard and click on the ‘generate lead' button.

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With the lead generated, each request will consume one credit. Furthermore, selecting contact information from the contact would cost another credit.

Lead Enrichment

With lead enrichment, we can get more information about a customer based on the limited information we have, such as their email address. Lead enrichment can be enabled through configuration. We have two options for enriching leads: on-demand or automatically. We can choose between the two options depending on our credit.

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This allows us to enter the email address of the newly created lead. As soon as we enter the information, the lead's probability is updated.

We can then use the button in the window to further enrich the lead.

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The enrich option would deduct money from the credit card used to purchase the contacts and search the Odoo database to update the data.

Partner autocomplete

The partner autocomplete feature would allow for the enrichment of contact information with company information. When you create a company contact in the contacts, the company's corporate data is automatically updated. This feature can be turned on in the settings. We can modify the contact settings by going to the Odoo apps dashboard and then selecting settings from the drop-down menu. In this window, you can enable the partner autocomplete option.

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While creating contacts, the system would be able to suggest potential matches. We can choose from a list of available companies to obtain the company's corporate data.
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To allow the partner to autocomplete, you can also use a VAT number rather than a company name.
These functions can be used to create an informative contact database that will aid in the acquisition of more potential leads. You may also discover about how Odoo CRM would Boost Sales

Conclusion: Odoo CRM Lead Enrichment

Consider your specific business needs and operations before evaluating the vendor when searching for CRM software for your organization.

ERP CLOUD provides 360-degree ERP and CRM application development software to address cross-industry business issues. Our custom CRM software development services help businesses improve customer interactions while also allowing them to increase revenue and create targeted marketing campaigns for specific prospects. We use open-source software platforms like Odoo and others to build data-driven CRM solutions with custom features. With a proven track record in CRM software growth, our development team carefully analyzes the business requirements and formulates effective strategies to improve business performance.

For more details, go to www.erpxcloud.com or send an email to sales@erpxcloud.com.

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Odoo, Moe Fawaz March 12, 2021
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