Why contact a Certified ERP Implementation Agent?

How to assess the Agent
October 12, 2020 by
Why contact a Certified ERP Implementation Agent?
Ismail Harake
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You decided to implement Odoo ERP to manage your business. And now, you want to optimize the database or switch to a newer version, that's Great News. 

So you decided to contact an agent, however, you can't decide who to choose and who to trust. That's why Odoo has a list of partners for you to choose from.        

The levels of Certifications

Odoo has 3 levels of certification, and it is measured by the years of experience, the number of ERP Projects, and the quality of the provided services. 

Odoo certification levels: ReadySilver, and Gold.

Contacting a certified company ensures that you are working with an Odoo expert. The agent will have field experience with Odoo and not just working on technical problems. In addition, having an agent with up to date knowledge of tools that are developed, or that have published.

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Ask for References

You would want to check some of the Agent's past clients to see their qualifications and provide proof pf successfully implementing Odoo to the client's database. 

As a licensed agent, they will have a list of references presented before the request. 

The reason for this request is to validate their methodology, and their ability to apply the correct customization to your business. Therefore the best way to validate their "customer feedback", is to demand testimonials of old clients. This will help you to reach a final decision. 

The Advantages Of Hiring the right Agent

You will have access to the most updated Modules and the agent will help you choose the most effective Apps that will help you improve your business.

In addition,  the Odoo partner will provide you and your team training courses that will help in improving communication between employees, as well as, increasing employees' productivity. In case of any technical support problem, or any problem related to your business, you can contact your agent or Odoo support for help. The technical team will provide you with the help you 

ERP Cloud 

As a business owner, you need to stay connected with your employees and up to date to any and every situation that is occurring during work hours. 

With Cloud ERP or any ERP System, you will be able to stay connected with your businesses even if you are not there. 

In addition, during the COVID 19 pandemic, businesses are relying on ERP Solutions more than ever. As a result, those businesses have profited by using ERP solutions, due to the reduced cost, problem identification, and many more services that ERP solutions can help your business with.

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The goal is for your business to improve and the problem os you don't have time to waist to train yourself and your employees, that's why when hiring an agent with knowledge related to your problem you will have 24/7 support, 2 weeks or 2 months Training on the softwareInside knowledge, related to the best modules to install in order to reach your goals and more...

In Summary, contacting an agent will help your businesses by providing training, for your employees on the installed system, adapt to the system faster and you and your employees will become more efficient in using it. 

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Why contact a Certified ERP Implementation Agent?
Ismail Harake October 12, 2020
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